Great! You’re all booked and I look forward to meeting you on 6th July, 12pm-2pm BST.
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Joining info:
Topic: NVC Taster
Time: Jul 6, 2021 12:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 0871 1035
Passcode: 716937
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Meeting ID: 899 0871 1035
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Please note that once the Zoom Room reaches capacity you will not be able to join, so please arrive a few minutes early.
If you cannot get in, or miss the event live, don’t worry, you’ll receive a recording to watch / listen to at your leisure.
Looking forward to meeting you soon.
Warm wishes
This 2 hour taster will give you an opportunity to:
Transform your experience of a difficult interaction or conversation with your child (or anyone)
Feel closer to your child (or the person who are in conflict with, or experiencing tension with)
Learn a method which you can use any time for moving yourself toward a calmer, more compassionate state, especially in moments when you are reactive
Experience a "shift" in how you are feeling and thinking about a tricky interaction
N.B. All parts of the session are a choice. You can participate silently, just listening, without joining a breakout discussion group if you wish
Session outline:
Welcome and a chance to meet a few others (if you’d like to)
Guided journaling process, working individually
Sharing your experience of the process with a few others
Q & A about the guided process, NVC & parenting, NVC in general
Information about NVC training
Please come to the session with:
A situation in mind you’d like to work with i.e. an interaction in which somebody said something to you that you didn't like hearing
A pen and paper
The possibility of opening a couple of PDF documents, so it’s best to join the meeting using a laptop or i-pad rather than mobile phone